Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We do not need leaders! - Elenoa

I believe we should not have leaders?

Leaders are people who are not respectful. A leader is someone who is biased. We shouldn’t have leaders because they are disorganized, greedy and they are terrible role models.

Think of Hu Jin Tao, he is a ruthless leader who killed the people who went to church and what about Adolf Hitler? He wanted the whole world to be Germans. He tried to create the Aryan race so he started taking over countries and killed people who didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes, even the children. We do not need leaders.

Firstly, we do not need leaders because they are disorganized they don’t prepare themselves. Disorganized leaders don’t have a plan of how to run a country properly. They do not listen to the needs of their country. The worst leaders of all times were Adolf Hitler, Hu Jin Tao, Robert Mugabe and Joseph Stalin. These disorganized leaders are hungry for power; they will do anything to run a country. Disorganized leaders are like the mob, they don’t dirty their hands getting rid of people. If disorganized leaders tell their people to do something, they will have to do it otherwise the leader will kill them.
Secondly, we don’t need leaders because they are greedy. They want to run a country in their own personal way and never mind about the little people’s feelings. Pol Pot is one greedy leader. He was influenced by Mao’s Cultural Revolution. 25% of Cambodia’s population died of starvation, over work and executions in his attempt to form a communist peasant farming society. He conducted deadly purges to rid the area of the old society. Anyone Pol Pot suspected of being disloyal was shot or bludgeoned with an axe. Do you want a leader like that? Off course not, that is why we do not need leaders

Thirdly, we shouldn’t have leaders because they are not good role models for the future leaders and the children. Think of Fidel Castro, he’s not a good role model at all because he became a dictator and killed people who disagreed with him. What about Joseph Stalin? He expected people to look at him as a good role model when he wasn’t because he tried to make Russia believe that he was the best leader they could ever have. So do you think these leaders are good role models? I know that we shouldn’t have leaders.

A point you need to consider is that you don’t need to be a leader because you are already one. You just need to focus on yourself. We are all leaders. We don’t need other people telling us what to do.

Finally, we shouldn’t have leaders because they are greedy and they want to take control of everything. If we have leaders, the world will be a disaster, because everyone wants to be in charge and then who will do the work? Exactly, you and me! No thank you. We do not need leaders because they are disorganised, greedy and they are terrible role models.


Peter said...

I dont agree with your speech. We do need leaders becuse they help us. They are really organized with thier things. They also help thier community. Like Barrack Obama he will help the americans.

Derek said...

It was very good because it had some words with interesting facts, it was cool even though there are some stuff I do not agree on because I believe we should have leaders.

Falakika said...

I enjoy reading this speech because you used emotive words but I disagree with you. I think we should have leaders because if there wasnt leaders, everyone will be doing what they want to do. They will kill anyone they like and do whatever they like.

Elenoa Toutaiolepo said...

Elenoa I enjoyed reading your story because it pursuaded me and made me think about how I should write my speech next time. you had strong points of why we don't need leaders.

Anonymous said...

it is an awsome speech because you have strong points like how Cambodias 25% population died from starvation and pol pot was responsible for it and it was cool how you use new interesting and emotive words and one of the things i like is how you said NO THANK YOU

Lupe said...

This persuasive writing is so awesome. It has a lot of facts and information about the leaders. The information it has in there is very true for example leaders those days are very greedy. Like it said they always want to rule in their own personal way. I like how the persuasive writing is formatted. I think that you should always keep up the goood writing.

Tina said...

I really like reading this speech because it has strong facts like 25% of Cambodias population died of stavation and overwork.And I like how this prson placed alot of emotive words into its speech.And this person is right we do not need leaders!!

Sarah Gramaje said...

i enjoyed reading you're speech. You are right that those leaders that you talked about were greedy but i disagree about what you talked about. We should have leaders because who will help our country and if we don't have leaders who would feed our community. People would be crazy and would be stealing from shops. The world would be destroyed. There would be alot of murders and no one would be guiding and helping us. But i still love your speech.

Mia said...

I agree with you that we shouldnt have leaders. Your facts back up your opinion. You had great strong points like the Aryan Race and who are bad leaders.

marea said...

I enjoyed reading your persuasive text but i think that we should have leaders because a leader is a person who is incharge of a organization or a group.I think that leaders are good role models and they are protecters.

sione said...

your speech caught my attention but I have to say that I disagree with you because the leaders you talked about were from at least 50 years ago but nowadays you can see that leaders are organized, ready for any thing and are guiding there people and makes sure they are doing good things like barrack obama. goodbye

Courtney said...

I disagree with you i think that we should have leaders because they are organised, persevering and intelligent. It is quite hard to do the opposition of what people think you would do.

Morgan said...

I believe your speech was good because your points were strong like how you said that Adolf Hitler killed people that didnt have blonde hair and blue eyes. Also how Adolf Hitler started the aryan race.

Ellerslie said...

I was really impressed by the way you did your speech. I was being entertained really well and i knew that you had a sense of humour. I liked the way you used challenging words that challenge the reader. Your facts were very clear and i certainly enjoyed it. Is it possible though that we shouldnt have leaders because you need a role model to look up to. Either than that your story was really wonderful.

Dana said...

I did enjoy reading this persuasive text. Although I enjoyed reading it, I do disagreed that we don't need leaders. The part that I like is when this person explained about what some of the leaders did to their people. I agreed with that but, I also agreed that we should have leaders. Without having leaders, the people living in this world would change everything by doing bad things.For example:Littering,robberies and other stuff.

sarah ramea said...

I rEaLlY LiKe tHiS PeRsUaSiVe tExT BeCaUsE ThE PeRsOn wHo wRiTe tHiS HaD A VeRy gOoD ReAsOn oN WhY We sHoUlDnT HaVe lEaDeRs ThE PeRsOn ExPlaInD WhY We sHoUlDnT hAvE LeAdErS tHe nAmEs oF DiCtAtOrS AnD WhAt tHeY DiD To HuRt iNoSeNt pEoPlEs lIvEs. jUsT To mAkE ThEm sCaReD AnD To mAkE tHeM Do wHaT ThEy WaNt tHeN To dO. wHaT MoNsTeRuS PeOpLe.

laurajane said...

I think your speech was very creative and it persuaded me and it grabed my attention especially when you wrote the world would be a disaster.You used strong points like about how Adolf Hitler started the Arian race and tried to take over countries and killed the people who had blonde hair and blue eyes.The only thing I disagree about is that the people you are talking about are dictators and the only reason we get dictators is when we dont have actual leaders like John Key and Burach Obama also in our days we dont kill people for going to church

Tala said...

I enjoyed reading this story but I disagree with you because we need leaders to help us in schools,communities and countries. Without leaders our country,and our people will be doing whatever they want.This is why we need leaders.

Joyce misipati said...

I enjoyed reading your speech because you had very strong points of why we shouldn't have leaders like: Hu Jin Tao, He is a ruthless leader who killed the people who went to church. I disagree with your with your topic because we should have leaders.

Taue said...

I think that this story is enjoyable because it shows that this person knows and tells the facts about the person that she or he disagrees on about leaders.

vereen ngaata said...

i dont agree of having no leaders!i think that we should have leaders because they help solve problems like domestic wars between our country,new zealand with other random countries..i do believe that adolf hitler,hu jin tao,robert mugabe and joseph stalin.but i know that it wont happen to our country because i country is safe and fair and if we didnt have leaders our country would be a disaster!

Lupe F said...

I think that the writing is so nice except I really think that WE SHOULD HAVE LEADERS because without leaders we won't be able to succeed in life

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this story because it catched my attention and it was entertaning and there were some strong points about not having leaders e.g. Adolf Hitler killed the people that had blue eyes and blonde hair.

your closest friend said...

hello this is the first time going on this blog page and i think you need leaders because if we didnt have leaders we would live in a world of thieving, scumbags andv murderers.......and so on.

so thats why i think we should have leaders.......

by your closest

tiania said...

hi ele great speech loved it xoooxxo love ya

Courtney.R said...

This is a great persuasive text. It has strong points and facts. But i disagree with you because without leaders people will go mental but on the other hand, great speech

Anonymous said...


vereen said...

I dont agree with you what if we were in a middle of a war with other countries and we needed to look up to someone and you say that we shouldnt have leaders that would be harsh.But i do believe that those leaders were murders and didnt lead safely but scratch that, moving on that was in the 1990's or 50 years ago i agree with sione.we have great,trustworthy,reliable,humble,repectful,well comitted leader out there to support and help us in difficult problems but now its 2009 not 1990's!!!! I BELIEVE WE SHOULD HAVE LEADERS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree!!.At one point you could be right becuase when some people become leaders they do not know what is expected to be a leader and they think its ok to do what they want to do for example our head boy at school decides to come class late right after the bell rings and uses his leadership as an excuse when we all know that we are not allowed to turn up to class late.Yes it can be unfair.secondly we need leaders, we need someone to be brave before us and learn from their bravery and know we can look up to and trust and someone who understand us or the world would be out of control.

Mr Chung said...

I think we all need leaders and we are all leaders in different ways. You never know who's looking to you for direction and support.

Mr Schwencke said...

Nice thoughts...always nice to have an alternative view.

Anonymous said...

Even when we have leaders, the world still have scumbags and murderers, terrorist etc, but every leaders lead different ways. Good speech Elenoa well done!